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Showing posts from 2014

DC, Northern Virginia Digital Strategy - for Businesses, Agencies, Nonprofits - Upcoming Committee Meetings 2014-2015

Thursday, Sept. 18th 7:30-9AM - Build Your Digital Strategy, for 2015 Mark your calendars and RSVP for this first rebranded NVTC "Digital Strategy" meeting of the new fiscal year - kicking off support and insight regarding building and evolving your Digital Strategy for 2015. Or join the NVTC now to participate! Hear from other #NVTC business and government members, sharing information regarding the approach to a Digital Strategy, executing and sustaining it for innovative business value. This is an ongoing series, helping NVTC members through creation and use of their 2015 Digital Strategy, beginning with roles, resources and organizational challenges. Following meetings and forums will address digital business models, digital channels and communication, digital infrastructure and IT impact, plus analytics and value realization.  Mobile, Social, Cloud - these are key enablers, disruptors. If you're an member engaged in Digital Strategy, as a leader ...

Hand-held Motorola CP200 Radios vs. Cellphones Identified as Key to Safety & Reliable DR/Continuity of Operations, for Industry and Government

News reports and incidents regarding issues with reliance on cellphones for event, incident or other monitoring and operations activities requiring mobile communications continues to surface. In this context, those responsible for finding, purchasing and using critical hand-held communications devices are maintaining their use of advanced hand-held radios - including the extremely popular and durable Motorola CP200 handheld radio. ( This is a noteworthy industry perspective, from a KME client partner. Myself and other KME partners are satisfied, regular user of handheld two-way radios for many purposes, business and recreation, when cellphones are impractical or otherwise not designed for purpose. ) National Two-Way Radios, a leading provider of critical Motorola mobile hand-held radio technologies and services , provides current, key evidence for two-way radios vs. cellphones as a critical core or backup component for business and mission operations in all challenging environment...

Northern Virginia Hire a US Veteran Information Campaign Kickoff - Lake Ridge, VA Wed Apr 30 10AM-2PM

Northern Virginia Business Center (NVABC) Hire a Vet Kickoff Date: Wed 30 April 2014 Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Networking Coffee 9-10am) Location: Northern Virginia Business Center (NVABC), 3421 Commission Ct., Suite 100, Lake Ridge, VA 22192 Registration is required, at this registration link . NVABC, in conjunction with a long list of sponsors, is proud to support our nation's veterans and their transition from military service to gainful employment and business opportunities. Companies and supporters are invited to come to the NVABC "Hire A Vet" Kickoff, to meet military veteran job seekers in the Northern Virginia region, network with other Northern Virginia businesses, and to learn about the wide range of accessible, local programs and resources available to support veteran transitions. The event is designed to provide businesses with the most updated information and insights to maximize their veteran hiring goals. This past week, The Bureau of Labor ...

Why Information Sharing Precedes Open Data - Coffee Talk

The Agency Deputy CIO (DCIO), Enterprise Architect (EA), IT System/Security Manager (ITSM) and the Open Data Community Evangelist (ODCE) – Over Cafeteria Coffee The DCIO & ITSM at a table, talking about the annual IT budget status. The ODCE drifts over, recognizes the ITSM from a recent agency newsletter. ODCE – "Can I sit here? I wanted to talk to you about opening up data, freeing it, from your system to my Github group. Want to join? It’s at, plus there will be an announcement soon on Sharepoint." ITSM – "Um, sure. Do you have a badge? Who do you work for?" DCIO ( Thinking – this must be one of those social media risks. Can you twitter without using your hands? Maybe he’s got the new Google glasses thing. Need to check my email. This coffee is a bit stale. ) ODCE – "Oh, sorry (produces badge from pocket) – the lanyard felt like a tie. I’m not a clacker yet, you know, with all the badges, I mostly telecommute – but I work for the O...

Project Management, PMP, ITIL, Cost Estimating Business Training & Certification in Virginia

If you're in any way associated with Government contracting, project or program management, project or system cost estimating or resourcing, whether on the job or during acquisition processes and proposal preparation - you may need PMP, ITIL or Cost Estimation Certification and/or training. This is important not only from the business manager perspective, but also from the Enterprise and Solution Architect perspective - it comes in very handy. Here's a shout-out to some respected professionals at Trio-Consulting and the Northern Virginia Business Center, for an upcoming PMP certification preparation course - as well as many other professional, Federal and DoD contract-focused training and certifications. Trio Consulting at 3421 Commission Ct, Suite 100, Lake Ridge, VA (Prince William County, near Woodbridge) is offering a 4-day intensive PMI-PMP Bootcamp March 31-April 3 in preparation for PMP Certification in Northern Virginia . Visit the website or call 571-267-1445 for d...

Government Open Data Success Via Information Sharing, Enterprise Architecture and Data Assets

The title of this article is quite a mouthful, and three very complex and broadly-scoped disciplines mashed together. But that's what's happening all over, isn't it, driven by consumer demand on their iPhones - mashing and manipulating information that's managed to leak through the risk-adverse, highly-regulated mantle of the government's secure data cocoon, and instantly sharing it for further rendering, visualization or actual, productive use. Mostly a "pull" style information flow, at best constrained or abstracted by public sector Enterprise Architecture (EA) methods and models - at worst, simply denied. This demand for open data, however, is rapidly exposing both opportunities and challenges within government information-sharing environments, behind the firewall - in turn a fantastic opportunity and challenge for the Enterprise Architects and Data Management organizations. The recent " Open Data Policy " compels US Federal agencies to make a...

Monetizing Wellness, to Drive Value-Driven, Outcomes-Based #Healthcare Transformation in the U.S. #NVTC #NVTCBEA

Thanks very much go to John Teeter - Managing Director, Federal Advisory at KPMG, Global Center of Excellence for Health and former HHS CIO - for his presentation and discussion leadership at today's #nvtc joint committee meeting (Health Technology and Business & Enterprise Architecture #nvtcbea ). The dialogue revolved around a principle challenge and opportunity in the Global and particularly the US healthcare transformation debate - bending the cost curve of US healthcare through better health outcomes - driven in part by use of the rapidly-growing and effective availability of health performance data analytics. Decreasing costs, by focusing on quality - upfront and often. Also, overall costs and payments can (now with advanced analytics technology) be more accurately and effectively "bundled" by integrated outcomes that cross provider boundaries - not just by service, by episode, by event, by facility.  The better outcomes are dependent on care investment ...

Making Real Money for Bands in the Age of Social Media - Democratization of the Royalties Model, by

Welcome to M usic Business 3.0  - it's not about the $1 song anymore. Most artists these days are gifting songs away just for email addresses, the occasional "like". The 3.0 music business model is about creating tracks and collecting many different revenue types internationally for each track/song. It's a new content marketing model and platform for music, for the entire music industry. Disrupting the recorded music market is a tall order - and 2013 music market investment deals primarily revolved around the largest and most established movers and shakers in the music production, licensing, promotion and streaming/distribution companies. Not your band, not your music. According to Billboard , in the music industry, the "big got bigger and rich got richer in 2013" - including corporations like Warner, EMI, Pandora, and Beats Music. Most investments (besides mergers and acquisitions), large and small, revolved around consumers finding and enjoying ...

DC, Northern Virginia Enterprise Architects, Health Technology Professionals - an #NVTC Joint Committee Meeting with Former HHS CIO John Teeter - 2/18/2014

Northern Virginia Enterprise Architects, Health Technology Professionals , in the Washington DC metro region   - if you are members, stakeholders or guests of the Northern Virginia Technology Council ( #NVTC ), please join us this next Tuesday Feb 8 th , 2014, from 7:30-9AM, for a Health Technology, Business and Enterprise Architecture Joint Committee Meeting.  Click here for meeting directions (Fairview Park, VA). Former HHS CIO John Teeter will discuss Healthcare Transformation, and Enterprise Architecture/IT Investment Strategies with our committee members and guests. Free Admission for Members and Guests; contact for membership options . The NVTC Business & Enterprise Architecture ( #NVTCBEA ) and Health Technology Committees present a timely, informed and conversational event with an influential leader in the US Federal Government and global healthcare information technology (IT) dialogue. JohnTeeter - former HHS CIO John...

A Soccer Field on the Data Center, Chickens in the Parking Lot - in Northern Virginia

Following the initial planning and construction phases, the presence and benefits of operating Data Centers in Northern Virginia seem currently limited, or perhaps simply not well-known, in terms of local, positive community visibility and impact (beyond direct revenue via commercial taxes and the indirect boost to community bond ratings and real estate values). Are Data Centers good neighbors, active and involved in the business and social fabric of the region – or can they be? What's the indirect, community ROI for these massive boxes without windows along the Greenway – the kind of ROI that both benefits and relies on the entire community? Questions are being raised more frequently – and starting to be addressed – here and around the world like the following: 1. Will the Centers continue growing (due to data processing demands), or will they shrink (due to new technologies that drive data center infrastructure consolidation and performance optimization and smarter ...

A Day in the Life of an SEO'd Blog Article, from the Local Washington DC SEO Provider's Perspective

Hmmm...I think Blogs are good for SEO... A.    The SEO customer SAYS: "I'll write a Blog article, you SEO it, and we'll post it as part of our online marketing!" B.    The SEO customer THINKS: "I'll quickly write a fun, helpful blog entry (or get a Guest Blogger!), and my SEO person will highlight it and tag it with some keywords – and the SEO will be done!  This sounds pretty quick and easy, actually, so maybe I'll just get an Intern or check out "SEO 101" for next time…." C.    The SEO Provider SAYS: "No problem, let's agree on the topic, you put together some initial ideas about the content, and we'll get it all SEO'd!" D.    The SEO Provider THINKS: "As part of our SEO agreement, we'll walk through the standard process with one of our experts, and our customer will get the very best results from their investment with us….this is what we'll do, and what we'll communicate with the custo...

Northern Virginia Enterprise Architects - B&EA Committee - EA and Startups in Northern Virginia & Loudoun County

(Reposted from the NVTC B&EA LinkedIn Group for Members) Thanks so much to the attendees of the recent Business and Enterprise Architecture Committee meeting, with guest star Filippo Morelli (of the 9Starts Loudoun Tech Startup group, plus Chris, Ted and Tom from the Loudoun County Startup Community ) discussing the intersection of Enterprise Architecture and the Northern Virginia startup community. We're making progress also with our new  and improved "Committee Marketing Value Enablers" - i.e.: Committee Hashtag #NVTCBEA for dialogue/searchability across Facebook, G+ and Twitter. Live Tweeting (from @Loudoun/#NVTCBEA) for dialogue exposure and sharing - TweetReach reporting over 40,000 "impressions" of these tweets! Search Engine Optimized (SEO'd) event notice and follow-up for topic sharing and findability, as well as committee member link-juice and online impression benefit. Continuing Online Dialogue and Information Sharing abou...