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Northern Virginia Enterprise Architects - B&EA Committee - EA and Startups in Northern Virginia & Loudoun County

(Reposted from the NVTC B&EA LinkedIn Group for Members)

Thanks so much to the attendees of the recent Business and Enterprise Architecture Committee meeting, with guest star Filippo Morelli (of the 9Starts Loudoun Tech Startup group, plus Chris, Ted and Tom from the Loudoun County Startup Community) discussing the intersection of Enterprise Architecture and the Northern Virginia startup community.

We're making progress also with our new  and improved "Committee Marketing Value Enablers" - i.e.:

  • Committee Hashtag #NVTCBEA for dialogue/searchability across Facebook, G+ and Twitter.
  • Live Tweeting (from @Loudoun/#NVTCBEA) for dialogue exposure and sharing - TweetReach reporting over 40,000 "impressions" of these tweets!
  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO'd) event notice and follow-up for topic sharing and findability, as well as committee member link-juice and online impression benefit.
  • Continuing Online Dialogue and Information Sharing about Northern Virgina Business & Enterprise Architecture topics, via this LinkedIn Group (and email!) - plus amplification of the content into non-member public channels to help build and inform the broader community of interest.
  • Event Notification via multiple NVTC and other committee member SoMe channels.

The point is, this is THE Northern Virginia Enterprise Technology Community to join, with the highest ROI, to network and engage in online and in-person professional dialogue about the critical IT Investment, Strategic Architecture, and Enterprise Technology concerns facing you, your employer, your business, customers and partners.

This committee is for CIOs, CTOs, Chief Engeineers/Architects, Technology Strategists, Enterprise/System/Solution Architects - essentially those making or seeking critical decisions regarding investing in technology for business or mission value.  Or learning how to make these decisions, how to find the right answers. Plus, exchange online contact info, not just pretty (and sometimes really small) business cards!

This community is not only for large businesses and governments - as we discussed in this past meeting, it's clear that small businesses and startups absolutely benefit from application of EA methods and experience in their technology leadership.  Here are some of the messages, tweeted (and retweeted/favorited!) via @loudoun #NVTCBEA:

  1. RT @loudoun: members - check out tomorrow's Enterprise Arch for Startups: 7:30-9AM at CIT w/B&EA committee - follow …
  2. RT @loudoun: #NVTCBEA EAs, to engage w/startup community - don't sell the "EA" title, own and solve an IT capability problem, decision-maki…
  3. today's #NVTCBEA - “@loudoun:EA experience, background is essential for Startups selling into large organizations, enterprise capabilities”
  4. Great meeting at the #nvtcbea today
  5. #NVTCBEA EAs too often solve the "technology" problem, instead of the "business relevancy" problem - which is key to startup sales/success
  6. #NVTCBEA Most product companies don't have vertical arch. segments, but simply "Sr. Technologists" - Never seen "EA" job desc. in startup
  7. #NVTCBEA 20-somethings - They don't know what doesn't work yet, especially with large IT challenges, platforms - EA experience inc. failures
  8. #NVTCBEA "tour of duty" as EA/Solution Architect is invaluable for Startups selling INTO large enterprises - exp. w/risk, org., IT investing
  9. #NVTCBEA EAs shouldn't write checks others have to cash, should eat their own dogfood, should produce output not only on paper
  10. #NVTCBEA EA experience, background is essential for Startups selling into large organizations, enterprise capabilities
  11. #NVTCBEA per Filiippo - EA is "Enterprise Warfare" - moving ideas forward, avoiding selling a vision no one wants to buy #EA #NVTC
  12. #NVTC #NVTCBEA committee meeting underway, discussing IT Strategy/EA for the startup/small biz community
  13. RT @loudoun: members - check out tomorrow's Enterprise Arch for Startups: 7:30-9AM at CIT w/B&EA committee - follow …

Thanks particularly to our most enthusiastic, engaged Northern Virginia Biz & EA committee members and guests - contact these folks and this committee for counsel and assistance with your EA profession questions and strategic IT challenges for Northern Virginia enterprises or startups:
